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Voir ce film Monsieur Naphtali

Monsieur Naphtali

Actors (16)

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This is story of Monsieur Naphtali, who would have liked to remain in his mother's womb a little longer than most. Fortunately, afterwards there was the rest clinic. Unfortunately, sooner or later you've got to get out, get a life, discover the world, find a job, and take a wife. You have to grow up! So here he is, all alone in the big city. A nice girl takes him by the hand to play Mommy and Daddy, a game he doesn't know. She introduces him to a lot of nice people, adults who maybe need as much rest as he does. And yet in the space of three days, this little world falls apart.

Elie Kakou is a rickety angel who buzzes around people, sowing doubt and elegantly reaping laughter, without appearing to try. Once the laughter has died the doubt remains – a creative, generous, free doubt. With Kakou, comedy and poetry erupt; once he goes away nothing is like it was before. We wanted to hug him, hold onto him, but he always moves off, as ungraspable as an unconscious image.

Olivier Schatzky – Director, excerpt from the press folder

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