Read ebook The Parent Agent : How to Represent Your Child and Get Them into the College of Their Choice by Verdel Jones in PDF, TXT, DOC


Every parent has an Aha! moment as they raise children. Mine came when I thought of what I had done, in the life of each child, to get them into college. As I reviewed everything that had to happen to help them get accepted into their preferred institutions of higher learning, I realized something important. I had become an agent. Now let me explain what that means. Agents exist in big dollar competitive industries to get the best deals for their clients. In sports, an agent negotiates with team owners to get the most money for a player. Agents who represent actors or directors want their clients to have the biggest and best-paying projects. Good agents ?nd great opportunities and then make sure their clients receive them. The transition from high school to college is not something that can be made with a light-hearted approach. This book will serve as your guide on the journey to get your child accepted and settled into the college of their choice. The Parent Agent covers everything you and your child need to do from 9th grade to college acceptance and beyond. Stay prepared with timelines, important dates, exams, fairs/tours, funding, applications and other resources that make this often daunting process easier. Beyond helping you set goals and providing strategies to achieve them, you will uncover a lot of joy as you ?nd ways to unlock secrets about your childs personality that will ultimately make them something more than a successful college student.

Verdel Jones - The Parent Agent : How to Represent Your Child and Get Them into the College of Their Choice read book DJV, TXT, PDF

The newest addition to the Top Secret Recipe franchise is sure to make us not only happier, but healthier., With the new health-consciousness sweeping America, many of us feel we can no longer indulge in the tasty but guilt-inducing foods we grew up with.At the beginning of the rebellion, state governors in Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois cooperated with federal law enforcement officials in various attempts--all failed--to investigate reports of secret groups and individuals who opposed the Union war effort.Indefatigable researcher Robert Klara reveals what has, until now, been little understood about this episode: America's most famous historic home was basically demolished, giving birth to today's White House.Like a visual Mad Libs chapter book, or a graphic novel where the reader gets to help with the graphics, it celebrates engaging, gamelike, fill-in fun for middle-grade readers.With the help of friendsall-star chefs, including April Bloomfield, Alex Guarnaschelli, Tom Colicchio, and many othersCowin takes on 100 recipes dear to her heart.He knew everybody in the neighborhood.Most recently, the high-profile poisoning of Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko and the death of the journalist and former Soviet KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko serve as timely reminders that systematic Russian political poisonings are anything but a thing of the past., This book chronicles the insidious history of the Soviet "Poison Laboratory," the top-secret organization behind countless political assassinations throughout the 20th centuryand indeed well into the 21st.OVER 30 ALL-NEW, SURE-TO-PLEASE PARTIES FOR KIDS OF ANY AGE Whether your two-year-old's passion is teddy bears, your eight-year-old can name every dinosaur in the museum, or your sweet-sixteen-yearold wants a sophisticated casino evening -- you can create the perfect party with "The Penny Whistle(TM) Birthday Party Book." Complete with suggestions for entertaining games and activities, instructions for making personalized invitations, decorations and party favors, and delicious recipes for refreshments (including the best birthday cakes ever ), this book shows you how to give: * A Pig-Out Party (everyone gets to be a pig for the day) * A Cloud-Nine Party (a heavenly time will be had by all) * A Secret Agent Party (super sleuths get to find the birthday cake) * A Stegosaurus and Friends Party (dress is prehistoric -- dinosaurs welcome) * An Under-the-Big-Top Party (no more waiting for the circus to come to town) * A Chocolate Factory Party (complete with a life-size candy cottage), OVER 30 ALL-NEW, SURE-TO-PLEASE PARTIES FOR KIDS OF ANY AGE!These techniques teach you valuable restraining methods that force your opponent to submit without abuse by using pressure points.The Marston family story is a tale of drama, intrigue, and irony.Set in Washington, D.C., during four weeks when a catastrophic earthquake in the Middle East triggers a pan-Arab invasion of Israel, Here I Am is the story of the unraveling of the Bloch family.And does he have some wild stories to tell.After all, it's these magical places that Gierach so vividly evokes that remind us how precious -- and precarious -- are the unspoiled havens of the natural world.The original Japanese martial art developed by the elite samurai class during Japan's feudal era, Jiu-jitsu is the forerunner of Judo and the precursor of today's ultimate fighting styles, such as mixed martial arts (MMA).